The role of a clinical pharmacist in implementing modern guidelines for the pharmacotherapy of arterial hypertension




the role of a clinical pharmacist; arterial hypertension; hypertension management; fixed combinations.


Aim. To study the possibilities of participation of a clinical pharmacist in complying with modern guidelines for antihypertensive pharmacotherapy using fixed combinations of drugs in the conditions of a pharmacy and determine the directions for improving the work of a clinical pharmacist to improve the quality of hypertension control.

Materials and methods. The analysis of reports on the sale of antihypertensive drugs containing one active substance and fixed combinations of two or three active substances was carried out in a pharmacy at a healthcare institution.

Results. Sales volumes of combined drugs prevailed over sales volumes of drugs that contained one active substance, and fixed combinations of two active substances prevailed over triple combinations. However, the frequency of selling two drugs of different groups as separate drugs was higher than the sale of drugs of two or three pharmacological groups as fixed combinations. At the same time, sales of fixed combinations prevailed for individual active substances among the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers.

Conclusions. Data on the sale of fixed combinations of two or three active substances in the pharmacy have demonstrated insufficient compliance with current guidelines for antihypertensive pharmacotherapy. One of the ways to improve compliance with modern guidelines for the use of fixed combinations is the active participation of the clinical pharmacist in the selection of drugs for a particular patient, actively interacting with the doctor. Thus, a clinical pharmacist can be an important link in the control of arterial hypertension and the implementation of modern guidelines for the pharmacotherapy of arterial hypertension.


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How to Cite

Kireyev, I. V. ., Zhabotynska, N. V. ., Tsemenko, K. V. ., Bakumenko, M. G. ., & Olishchuk, I. P. . (2023). The role of a clinical pharmacist in implementing modern guidelines for the pharmacotherapy of arterial hypertension. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 9(4), 31–38.



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