The substantiation of the feasibility of implementing stress management in pharmacies




pharmacy; stress; stress management; stress factors; pharmaceutical worker.


The stress level of pharmaceutical workers in Kharkiv was studied. The results of pharmacists' own assessment of their mental health and the level of satisfaction with work in a pharmacy were obtained. An assessment of the frequency of stressful situations among specialists while working in a pharmacy was carried out, and the factors influencing the development of stress among pharmaceutical workers were determined.


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How to Cite

Krutskikh, T. V. ., Malyi, V. V., Chehrynets, A. A., Rohulia, O. Y., Bondarieva, I., & Malinina, N. G. (2024). The substantiation of the feasibility of implementing stress management in pharmacies. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 10(2), 40–48.



Health organization