The study of the state of pharmaceutical care for patients with dementia in Alzheimer’s disease in Ukraine




dementia; integrated ABC/VEN analysis; clinical and economic analysis; Alzheimer’s disease; pharmaceutical care of psychoneurological patients


Aim. To conduct the study of the state of pharmaceutical care for patients with dementia in Alzheimer’s disease in Ukraine.

Materials and methods. Historical, graphic, systematic, logical, mathematical and statistical research methods were used. The analysis of the structure of drug consumption by cost indicators and the number of drugs according to the INN was carried out using an integrated ABC/VEN-analysis, which was based on the distribution of drugs using the formal and expert approach to assessing their clinical value in the treatment of patients.

Results. According to the data of the VEN-analysis using the formal approach (availability of drugs in the relevant regulatory framework), drugs with V status had the lowest consumption volumes (0.4 %) in contrast to the data we obtained when using an expert approach in the distribution of drugs (33.7 %). It was found that in the VEN-analysis (formal approach) the lion’s share in the structure of consumption accounted for drugs from group N – 80.9 %, and according to the data of the expert distribution of drugs, it was equal to 57.7 %. According to the integrated ABC/VEN analysis of drug consumption using the formal approach to assessing the pharmacotherapeutic significance of drugs, it was determined that there were no drugs with A/V status in the treatment of patients. The share of drugs with A/N status was 62.3 %. In turn, according to similar studies in which the expert approach was used, drugs with A/V status accounted for 30.5 % of the total consumption, and A/N was 47.1 %. In the case of using the formal approach, only 16 drugs (12.9 %) were assigned to the first category (vitally important, requiring control), and taking into account the opinion of experts on this issue – 23 (18.5 %) drugs. Category III of drugs (unimportant, not requiring control) included 78 (formal approach) and 48 (expert approach) drugs. In the structure of the total consumption, drugs of category I (formal approach in the VEN analysis) accounted for 80.4 %, and using the expert approach – 83.2 %; in category II, similar indicators were 14.7 % and 14.2 %, and in category III – 4.9 % and 2.6 %, respectively.

Conclusions. In the conditions of the inconsistency of the requirements of the national regulatory and legal framework, which regulates the pharmaceutical care with a modern vision of organizing the treatment process of patients with dementia, the issue of strengthening the cooperation between clinical pharmacists and doctors, as well as the active implementation of the results of clinical and economic studies in practical healthcare is relevant.


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How to Cite

Fedotova, M. S. ., & Panfilova, H. L. . (2024). The study of the state of pharmaceutical care for patients with dementia in Alzheimer’s disease in Ukraine. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 10(1), 21–33.



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