Theoretical aspects of the environmental management system of modern pharmaceutical market entities as a factor of the sustainable development


  • R.V. Sahaidak-Nikitiuk Institute for Advanced Training of Pharmacy Specialists of the National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • O.Yu. Gladzinova Institute for Advanced Training of Pharmacy Specialists of the National University of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • V. H. Nikitiuk National Scientific Center “Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius Forensic Science Institute” of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Ukraine



pharmaceutical market entities; environmental management; environmental management system; waste; management; influencing factors


Aim. To develop the theoretical foundations for implementing the environmental management system in the activities of pharmaceutical market entities.

Materials and methods. The materials used in writing the article were the works of scientists, statistical data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine (Derzhstat). The research methods, such as analysis, synthesis, generalization, structural, system analysis, were used.

Results. The environmental management system of pharmaceutical market entities is closely related to the country’s economy and is one of the tasks of the sustainable development of organizations. According to the environmental paradigm, it is necessary to integrate the environmental management into the general structure of the organization. The environmental management system integrates environmental policies, environmental strategies and environmental programs, which allow the pharmaceutical market entity to create innovative products in eco-friendly productions. The article analyzes the definition of the “environmental management” and suggests that the environmental management of a pharmaceutical market entity should be understood as a part of the management system that has a clear organizational structure and aims to achieve the provisions specified in the organization’s environmental policy through the implementation of the environmental protection programs and management of environmental aspects.

Conclusions. The relevance of implementing the environmental management system in the activities of domestic pharmaceutical market entities has been studied. Based on the research conducted, the definition of the concept of the “environmental management of a pharmaceutical market entity” and its concept has been proposed.


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How to Cite

Sahaidak-Nikitiuk, R., Gladzinova, O., & Nikitiuk, V. H. (2024). Theoretical aspects of the environmental management system of modern pharmaceutical market entities as a factor of the sustainable development. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 10(3), 53–60.



Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities