Efficacy assessment of rehabilitation program to patients with duodenum and gastric ulcers by period to recurrent hospitalization


  • O. M. Ocheredko National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Ukraine
  • N. M. Kizlova National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Ukraine




gastric and duodenal ulcer, rehabilitation program, gastroenterological day care department


400 patients with duodenum and gastric ulcers were traced by cohort design. Experimental rehabilitation program was administered to 220 patients with incident episode of hospitalization followed by 4 years monitoring. 180 patients without program administration constituted control cohort.Response has been measured by period to recurrent hospitalization. Reduction in length of the period bore witness to efficacy of the program. Data were analyzed by frailty semiparametric survival model. Study supports the significant 23 % in average reduction to risk of recurrent hospitalization due to program administration. Rehabilitation program safeguarded 39 additional days to length of recurrent hospitalization.


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