The study of the assortment and availability beta-adrenoceptor blockers in the retail segment of the domestic pharmaceutical market


  • Yu. V. Baygush SHHE "Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University", Ukraine
  • M. M. Slobodyanyuk National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



pharmaceutical market, marketing analysis, hypertension, drug consumption, blockers of beta-adrenoreceptors, availability of drugs, nebivolol, carvedilol


The article presents the results of the market research of the range of beta-blockers presented in the retail segment of the domestic pharmaceutical market within 2012-2014. The indicators of their social and economic accessibility have been determined. The authors have identified the main characteristics of this segment of the retail market for cardiovascular drugs; among them their dependence on imports and the uneven distribution of trade names by various international non-proprietary names are the most important. Analysis of the price index, the solvency adequacy ratio and availability of such drugs as nebivolol – SO7AV12 and carvedilol – SO7AG02 referring to the expensive groups of beta-blockers has shown a significant decrease in their socio-economic accessibility. The results of these studies make it possible to suggest the need of introduction of the mechanisms for reimbursement of the cost for consumption of beta-blockers and development of domestic drugs-analogues.


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