Analysis of the structure and components of the cost for social protection of pharmacy professionals and opportunities of their implementation in pharmacy institutions


  • V. M. Tolochko Institute of qualification improvement for pharmacists of National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • M. V. Zarichkova Institute of qualification improvement for pharmacists of National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



social spending, social protection, pharmacy professionals, pharmacy institutions


In order to improve the system of social protection of pharmacy specialists in a pharmacy institution the analysis of the structure and components of its cost, as well as opportunities of implementation in pharmacy institutions has been conducted. It has been found that social spending (various surcharges, bonuses, benefits, etc.), which are set out in the collective agreement or provided as a social package, can be an effective factor in preventing threats to the personnel security in the pharmacy institution. The priorities of the main aspects of the collective agreement or a social package of a pharmacy institution that pharmacy professionals would like to have concerning expenditures for social protection have been selected. They have been studied and divided into three groups: social services; social security and labor protection; financial compensation. It has been proposed to settle issues of social protection of pharmacy professionals in the legislative and regulatory plane creating a separate regulatory act on social protection of pharmacy professionals that will take into account the industry specificity.


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Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities