The study of marketing aspects of the service quality as a major factor of competitiveness of perfume and cosmetic enterprises of service industry


  • A. A. Kotvitska National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. M. Voronina National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



service marketing, service quality, services company, parameters of service quality, quality standards, competitiveness, marketing research, perfume and cosmetic industry


The results of the study of marketing aspects of the service quality are presented in the article, the scientifically-based approaches to assessment of the quality of services of perfume and cosmetic companies have been analyzed, the peculiarities of competition in service industry have been revealed, methods for evaluating the competitiveness of services and methods of marketing research used by modern enterprises of perfume and cosmetic industry for control of the service quality have been determined. The study results allow a domestic perfume and cosmetic company of service industry to choose the best way to improve the quality of services.


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Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research