Conceptual issues of relationship marketing.Formation of the marketing business network of a pharmaceutical enterprise


  • O. P. Piven’ National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • I. V. Tkachenko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



relationship marketing, marketing business network, concept, customer orientation, partnerships, pharmaceutical companies


The results of generalization of definitions of relationship marketing are given in this article. The distinctive features of the strategic direction of relationship marketing and transactional marketing with consideration of sector specification of pharmaceutical companies have been identified. The basic principles of relationship marketing for accentuation of immediate attention of a pharmaceutical enterprise have been characterized. The model of the marketing business network of a pharmaceutical enterprise with the main partners has been proposed. The characteristics of its components – relationships with customers, suppliers, competitors, contact audience and internal partnership – have been given. Expediency of aspirations of pharmaceutical companies to create a marketing business network to provide effective long-term relationships with customers has been substantiated. To implement the concept of relationship marketing it has been recommended for pharmaceutical enterprises to focus their attention to the customer value of the products offered, the high importance of the customer service and the customer loyalty.


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