Clinical and economic analysis of pharmacotherapy of children with acute nasopharyngitis


  • O. V. Tkachоva National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • A. O. Silaev National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



drugs for the treatment of acute nasopharyngitis, clinical and economic analysis


The analysis of 47 medical records of children with the diagnosis of acute nasopharyngitis, who received treatment of common forms of acute respiratory viral infections – acute nasopharyngitis (ANP) during August 2015 – January 2016 has been conducted. For the treatment of children 75 drugs from 39 INN belonging to 15 pharmacotherapeutic groups were prescribed. According to the integrated ABC /VEN / frequency analysis it has been determined how irrational prescriptions affected the amount of the money spent on inappropriate ANP pharmacotherapy in children. According to the results of formal VEN-analysis conducted by the National Drug Formulary of Ukraine (NDFU)/unified clinical protocols of the primary care (UCPPC) of adults and children with acute respiratory infections it has been found that the group of non-essential drugs contained 9/26 INN drugs with “N” index, they were prescribed 82/145 times (35.04/64.01% of the total prescriptions – 234), respectively, and their costs were 38.64 and 63.91% of the total cost of pharmacotherapy per 47 patients – 16,365.08 UAH. Both medical regulatory documents did not contain 4 INN drugs that were prescribed 11 times (4.70%), and costs for them were 3.67% of the total cost for the pharmacotherapy. Therefore, in this medical preventive institution the optimization of costs for ANP pharmacotherapy is necessary by reducing prescriptions of non-essential drugs according to medical regulatory requirements: NDFU (the 7-th edition, 2015) and UCPPC of adults and children with acute respiratory infection (2014).


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