The study of the formation stages and components of the employee benefits as a part of additional social guarantees for pharmacy professionals


  • V. M. Tolochko Institute of qualification improvement for pharmacists of National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • M. V. Zarichkova Institute of qualification improvement for pharmacists of National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



employee benefits, social protection, pharmacy professionals, pharmacy institutions


To improve the system of social protection of pharmacy professionals (SPPhP) at the pharmacy institution level it has been proposed to introduce the employee benefits as a part of SPPhP and analog of privileges. The structure and components of the employee benefits and the possibility of their implementation in the pharmacy institution have been analyzed. Desired options of the employee benefits from PhP point of view have been determined, and they include the following actions: to pay for the qualification category, to provide an additional paid leave, medical insurance, privileged vacation packages, compensation for hazardous working conditions, redundancy payments, etc. It has been found out that the distinguishing characteristic of the employee benefits compared to other benefits, which employed PhP have in the pharmacy institution, is that there is no direct link between benefits and incentives forming the employee benefits, as well as between quantity and quality of labor. The generalized approaches to form the employee benefits of a pharmacy institution have been proposed.


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Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities