Analysis of the commodity assortment of disposable syringes for injection


  • T. I. Ivko National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Ukraine
  • T. A. Germanyuk National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Ukraine



disposable syringes for injection, range, design features, price


Sterile disposable syringes for injection (DSI) are used for parenteral introduction of liquid medicines. The aim of our study was to analyze the commodity assortment of DSI at the regional pharmaceutical market. According to the results of frequency analysis it has been found that “Becton Dickinson” manufacturing company (USA) has 45 % of the regional pharmaceutical market of DSI; the three-component syringes constitute 66 % of the market; and the standard volume syringes have 49 %; the cost per a syringe ranges from 0.67 to 5.55 UAH.


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Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research