Contemporary issues of cardiovascular disease prevention at the primary level


  • I. A. Golovanova Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Ukraine
  • S. S. Kasynets Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Ukraine
  • M. V. Khorosh Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Ukraine
  • G. A. Oksak Poltava Regional Clinical Hospital Sklifosovsky, Ukraine



family medicine, cardiovascular diseases, risk factors, family doctor


According to the WHO experts (2015) a serious manifestation of new challenges to public health in the world is cardiovascular diseases. All structural changes in the Poltava region are aimed at intensive introduction of the primary care to the population based on the general practice – family medicine. In the Poltava region there is an increase of the manning level with the primary care doctors. The optimal level of time spent per a patient should be 16.44 ± 1.15 min (according to thephysicians’ opinion) or 16.93 ± 0.78 min (according to the timing of the doctor’s visit). The main way of obtaining the information on risk factors of cardiovascular diseases for patients is the media (47%) rather than a doctor.


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