The content analysis of activities of professional public organizations in pharmacy




pharmacy, content analysis, public organization, pharmaceutical association, assessment of activity, pharmacies


Aim. To develop the methodological approaches to the content analysis for assessing the activities of professional public organizations in pharmacy.

Materials and Methods. The results of the content analysis of PPAU activities for 2013-2015 are given. The indicators of PPAU performance have been determined and compared with the performance ratios of the «Association of Employers’ Organizations of medical and microbiological industry of Ukraine» (AEOMMIU).

Results. The results of the analysis conducted suggest that the number of responses received indicates a sufficiently high performance of the PPAU interaction with public authorities in 2013 and 2015. The percentage of totally positive responses is 75 and 71.9%. The lower performance was 50% in 2014. By the nature of responses of public authorities of AEOMMIU and PPAU it can be concluded that from 2013 to 2015 the positive responses has the greatest share (with some variation).

Conclusions. The results of the study suggest that the effectiveness of the interaction of AEOMMIU and public authorities was low. Thus, it requires further analysis of the causes and actions to improve it. The effectiveness of the interaction of PPAU and public authorities was satisfactory, except for 2014. Therefore, it requires further analysis of the causes and actions to improve it.


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Health organization