Analysis of infant morbidity of acute pharyngitis and post-streptococcal complications in Ukraine


  • A. M. Masheiko Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Ukraine



incidence, acute pharyngitis, acute rheumatic fever, chronic rheumatic heart disease, the child population.


The prevalence of streptococcal infection among children, mortality from rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease, imperfect approach to providing medical care and socioeconomic deprivation of the population determine the relevance of the medical and statistical research of the current state of the incidence of acute pharyngitis and its rheumatologic complications in Ukraine.

Aim. To carry out analysis of the incidence and prevalence of acute pharyngitis, acute rheumatic fever and chronic rheumatic heart disease in children aged 0-17 years.

Materials and Methods. The study was conducted on the basis of statistical reporting of SE “Center of Medical Statistics of the MOH of Ukraine” for 2011-2015 years. The bibliosemantic and statistical methods were used in the study.

Results. According to the results of the study the increase of the incidence of the child population with acute pharyngitis by 6 % in the last 5 years and the decrease in the prevalence of its rheumatologic complications by 3 times were determined. The territorial polarization of acute pharyngitis morbility from the lowest value in the Donetsk region and the highest value in the Kharkiv region were demonstrated. It was found that in regions where the incidence of acute pharyngitis was above average (Poltava, Rivne, Ternopil, Lviv and Zaporizhia regions) there was the increased prevalence of rheumatologic complications indicating the possibility of the relationship between the incidence of acute pharyngitis and the prevalence of its complications.

Conclusions. The retrospective analysis conducted has shown that acute pharyngitis is a common disease among children. Inadequate differential diagnosis and delayed systemic antibiotic chemotherapy of streptococcal infection can contribute to spreading of acute rheumatic fever and chronic rheumatic heart disease among children in Ukraine.


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