Analysis of normative acts on the state regulation of prices for medical products to treat cardiovascular diseases




state regulation of prices for medicines, reference price, cardiovascular diseases, normative act


Aim: To conduct the analysis of normative acts (NA) on the regulation of prices for medical products (MP) used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) within 2012-2017.

Materials and Methods. The data of the official websites of the Verkhovna Rada of  Ukraine, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, WHO, Apteka Weekly, as well as the data of the literature sources were used. The main research methods were systematic analysis, historical, analytical and graphic one.

Results. In the conditions of the economic crisis, which resulted in a significant decrease in the population solvency, the issue of price regulation and reimbursement of MP for the treatment of socially important diseases, in particular CVD, remains topical in Ukraine. Having analyzed NA of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (CMU) No.340, No.862 and No.863 on price regulation and reimbursement of MP for the treatment of СVD it was found that the reference countries for the calculation of reference prices were changed, and the mechanism for calculating the maximum wholesale prices in the regulations was significantly different. In the first NA of the CMU No.340 two approaches to the calculation of prices were used. In NA of the CMU No.862 at first the price for medicines was calculated as the least one; however, the calculation mechanism was changed before this normative act entered into force. In connection with the change of the reference countries the approaches to setting the reference prices were analyzed. As shown by the analysis conducted, two approaches are used most often to calculate the reference price – the average price or the least one.

Conclusions. It has been found that NA in Ukraine do not contain the criteria for selecting reference countries, and it makes the calculation of the reference prices extremely difficult. Therefore, one of the directions for improving the reference pricing is development and implementation of appropriate NA that would take into account the WHO recommendations on the choice of reference countries.


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