Marketing research of the pharmaceutical market of drugs for treating varicose veins and inflammatory diseases of joints




venous disease, drug combinations, extract, marketing, market analysis.


According to the data of the International Union of Phlebologists venous pathologies in various forms occur in 60-75% of the population. InEurope, the lower limb varicosity is observed in 25-33% of women and 10-20% of men; it allows to reliably refer the varicose disease to “diseases of civilization”. When introducing a new medicine the marketing calculations are of particular importance taking into account the competitiveness of the product at the domestic market.

Aim. To perform the marketing analysis of the wholesale market of drugs used in the treatment of varicose veins and inflammatory diseases of the joints.

Materials and methods. The assortment of drugs was analyzed in accordance with the State Registry of Medicines of Ukraine and the ATC classification. The pharmaceutical market of the following drugs was studied: group M02AX – other remedies applied locally for joint and muscular pain, C05VA – heparin or heparinoids for local application and C05CX – other capillary stabilizing agents.

Results. Based on results of our studies it can be stated that the market of drugs under research is characterized by a favorable environment for consumers in terms of a large number of interchangeable drugs. It should be noted that the local market of drugs with the antivaricose activity is widely represented by synthetic drugs that have side effects, including allergic reactions to substances. Therefore, application of the combined herbal medicinal products is increasingly rational.

Conclusions. The analysis by medicinal forms among the drugs used in joint and muscle pain has revealed that soft dosage forms are the leaders (54.6 % of the total number of drugs). The analysis by the pack size of antivaricose medicines has determined that all drugs in the group are presented only in soft dosage forms, namely gels (75 %), ointments (16.67 %) and creams (8.33 %). The analysis of the pack size of capillary stabilizing drugs has shown that solid dosage forms prevail in the group, namely tablets, granules and capsules (43.25%).


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Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research