Marketing research of the market of drugs with the antidepressant action




marketing research, pharmaceutical market, antidepressants, drug availability.


Aim. To conduct the marketing analysis of the domestic market of drugs with the antidepressant action, to analyze the price characteristics of drugs and their dynamics for 2013-2017.

Materials and methods. The statistical, graphic, comparative methods of analysis were used.

Results. According to the data of the State Register of Drugs of Ukraine as of 01.03.2017 there are 213 antidepressants registered in the country, among them a significant part (87.5%) is drugs of foreign production. The average value of the calculated chain index of average purchasing prices (Ig) equaled 1.29 in 2013-2017. The analysis of the adequacy solvency coefficient (Cas) indicated an increase of this index in the period of 2014-2016. During this time, a tendency towards a decrease in the availability index (A) was noted. In 2017, there is an increase of A, but its value remains less than 1.

Conclusions: It has been proven that within 2013-2017 there was an increase in average purchase prices for drugs. It has been found that the growth of the adequacy solvency coefficient (Cas) and the decrease of the availability index (A) in 2014-2016 indicate the reduction of availability of drugs with the antidepressant action. At the same time, a positive tendency of the increase in A in 2017 should be noted, however, its value indicates the insufficient level of the drug availability.


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How to Cite

Sukhovyi, H. P., & Yakovleva, O. S. (2017). Marketing research of the market of drugs with the antidepressant action. Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 3(3), 74–80.



Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research