Analysis of the consumption of oral hypoglycemic agents within 2014-2017 at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine




Type 2 diabetes, oral hypoglycemic agents, consumption, pharmaceutical market of Ukraine


Diabetes mellitus is the most urgent problem of modern endocrinology, and it is due to the high prevalence and complications that develop on the background of the disease.

Aim. To analyze the study of consumption of oral hypoglycemic agents at the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market within 2014-2017.

Materials and methods. Oral hypoglycemic agents presented at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine were analyzed according to the “Pharmstandard” analytical system of the pharmaceutical market research by the “MORION” company. The consumption volumes of oral hypoglycemic agents were studied using the ATC / DDD methodology recommended by the WHO. The information concerning the DDD values is available on the WHO website.

Results. During the analysis of consumption of oral hypoglycemic agents in the period of 2014-2017 it was found that among the monocomponent oral hypoglycemic agents the increase in their intake was observed within the study period for the MNN A10BA02 Metformin ranked first in the analysis of the consumption volume among oral hypoglycemic agents of other groups. The second place was INN A10B B12 Glimepiride, and the third one belonged to MNN A10B B09 Glyclazide. But there was a decrease in the consumption of MNN A10BB01 Glibenclamide due to the high risk of hypoglycaemia. Regarding the fixed combinations, INN A10B D02 Metformin and Glibenclamide were in the greatest demand among consumers at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine.

Conclusions. The results of the use of oral hypoglycemic agents indicate the spread of the European trend for the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes: early diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, as well as the treatment of pre-diabetes and mild forms of diabetes with metformin.


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