The assessment of pharmaceutical care of patients with cardiovascular diseases by the results of frequency analysis of drug prescribing




cardiovascular diseases, pharmaceutical care, acetylsalicylic acid, frequency analysis


Aim. To assess the state of pharmaceutical care of patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) based on the results of frequency analysis.

Materials and methods. In the course of the study the cards of patients with CVD, who were on the outpatient treatment at the Kharkiv City Clinical Hospital No. 27, were used. The following methods were used: frequency analysis of drug prescriptions, statistical analysis and generalization of information.

Results. During the frequency analysis it was found that within the framework of the “Available medicines” program the drug Enalapril, 20 mg, No. 20, was the leader among drug prescriptions – 526 (6.70 %), and Magnikor, 75 mg, No. 100 – 870 (11.08 %) was the first among drugs that were not included in the list of this program. Calculation of the intensity of prescriptions (Кі) of drugs and their ranking into three groups showed that the drug Magnikor – Acetylsalicylic Acid (B01AC06, antiaggregants) was referred to the III group with a high Кі = 0.731.

Conclusions. Due to the high rate of prescribing drugs of the acetylsalicylic acid group, which has the proven effectiveness in preventing development of cardiovascular complications, such as myocardial infarctions and strokes, it becomes relevant to include this acid in the list of drugs to be reimbursed within the framework of the “Available medicines” program. Inclusion of acetylsalicylic acid, in particular the drug Magnikor, is a promising step in the expansion of the program and improvement of pharmaceutical care for patients with CVD.


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Health organization