Analysis of the expenses on pharmaceutical provision of newborns in Ukraine




pharmaceutical provision, medicines, parapharmaceutical products, expenses, newborn babies


Aim. To analyze the expenses on pharmaceutical provision of newborns in Ukraine.

Materials and Methods. Data from the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine, the electronic database of the Morion information retrieval program and the price lists of the weekly “Pharmacy” as of December 15, 2018; logical, system-analytical, mathematical-statistical and comparative methods of analysis were used.

Results. The analysis of the list of pharmaceutical provision for newborns has shown that it consists of approximately 80% of the parafarmaceutical products and 20% of medicines. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness and availability of pharmaceutical supply of newborns in Ukraine has demonstrated that the average total cost is about 12600 UAH per month, and the availability factor is 1.39.

Conclusions. The results of the analysis conducted can be used when forming the financial aid for newborns in Ukraine to improve the quality of pharmaceutical provision, expand the range of products needed, and increase their availability.


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