The substantiation of marketing decisions and approaches to increase the market potential of a hepatotropic drug




drugs, sales volumes, market potential of a drug, marketing decisions, marketing potential, strategic potential of an enterprise


Aim. To substantiate and determine the components of marketing decisions in marketing activities in order to increase the market potential of a hepatotropic drug and increase its sales volumes.

Materials and methods. Scientific publications, own research and results of monitoring of the retail market of medicines of the “Pharmstandard” system of the company “Morion” were used as materials; such methods as generalization, systematization of theoretical and practical material, and marketing analysis were applied.

Results. The generalization of scientific literature data on the relationship between the drug market potential with the general potential of a pharmaceutical enterprise, and the market potential of the drug pharmacotherapeutic group has been carried out. The approaches, tools and marketing decisions were proposed for intensification of the market potential of a hepatotropic drug under the conditional name Argiliv after 2022. Marketing decisions concerning the identification of target audiences and positioning of the drug, directions and tasks for work with target audiences, strategic and tactical goals, the criteria for the effectiveness of marketing communications, and directions of budget planning for marketing communications have been substantiated.

Conclusions. The importance and necessity of using marketing decisions and tools in the strategy of the marketing activity of a pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprise has been substantiated to increase the drug market potential in order to expand the target audience and increase sales volumes.


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Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research