The market review of drugs for the prevention and treatment of urogenital symptoms in the pre- and postmenopausal period




pharmaceutical market, medicines, menopause, urogenital symptoms, marketing research


In 60-80 % of premenopausal or postmenopausal women various clinical manifestations of the estrogen-deficiency state may appear, i.e. climacteric disorders. The structure of the domestic market of drugs used in these cases is quite extensive and includes both hormonal and non-hormonal medicines, homeopathic, medicinal plant raw material, and others.

Aim. To review the market of drugs for the prevention and treatment of urogenital symptoms in the pre- and postmenopausal period in order to identify marketing opportunities for domestic pharmacy.

Materials and methods. The study was conducted using the structural analysis, logical and graphical methods, and marketing analysis methods.

Results. The dynamics of changes and trends in the development of the Ukrainian market for medicinal products of groups of bio-identical estrogens (preparations of G03C A03 estradiol valerite, G03C A07 estron, G03C A04 estriol, G01CA57 conjugated estrogens), G01A X14 enzymes of lactic acid bacteria, progestagens (G03D B01 Dihydroxederosone, G03D A04 Progesterone G03D A02 Medroxyprogesterone acetate, G03F A01 Norethisterone, G03A D01 Levonorgestrel), combined drugs (a combination of estrogen components with progestogen), steroids and combinations of herbal products have been determined. The structure of the market by the number of names, forms of release, manufacturer countries, and the composition has been studied. By the structure of the manufacturer countries the market of these groups of medicines is import-dependent: the share of the Ukrainian drugs in any group does not exceed 12 %. The market of non-hormonal drugs used in the treatment and prevention of urogenital malformations in the menopause has been also described. It is constantly replenished with drugs of the local action (which belong to the groups Medical products 22 and Cosmetics 06). Active substances of plant origin, as well as hyaluronic, lactic, ascorbic acids, vitamins are the most common in their composition. The market is also import-dependent; drugs belong to the high cost category.

Conclusions. Based on the changes identified definite proposals have been developed for the domestic pharmaceutical industry − the market has a very small range of domestic medicinal products that can be used for the treatment and prevention of urogenital disorders in the menopause. For producers they are interesting due to the possibility of using the domestic raw material base, as well as the fact that this group of drugs is included in the high cost niche. Based on the lower cost a domestic manufacturer will be able to offer the market a competitive price, make drugs more affordable, without losing the necessary profitability.


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Social marketing and pharmacoeconomic research