A comparative analysis of the dynamics of cash payments of families for medical and pharmaceutical services among the total health spending in Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia





medical care, healthcare, healthcare costs, cash costs for healthcare, pharmaceutical care, CIS countries


Aim. To conduct a comparative analysis of the dynamics of changes in cash expenditures (%) of families associated with medical and pharmaceutical services among the total health expenditures inUkraine,Azerbaijan,Armenia andGeorgia.

Materials and methods. The studies used data from the World Health Organization and its European Regional Office for a group of the reference countries (Ukraine,Azerbaijan,Armenia,Georgia). Both general theoretical (historical, analytical-comparative, systemic, logical, hypothetical-deductive) and applied methods applied in organizational and economic research in pharmacy were used.

Results. It was found that the average value of the household cash expenditures (%) among the total health expenditures for the group of reference countries was equal to:Azerbaijan – 66.94 %;Armenia – 61.59 %;Georgia – 73.74 %;Ukraine – 39.24 %. It was proven that the positive, from the socio-economic point of view, dynamics of a decrease in the indicators studied was observed inArmenia andGeorgia (kaver.value = 0.99 and kaver.value = 0.98, respectively). In 2014, compared to the base (1995) data, the growth of indicators analyzed in Azerbaijan amounted to + 8.6 %, in Armenia –19.8 %, in Georgia –38.2 %, and in Ukraine +88, 6 % The most pronounced positive changes in the dynamics of indicators studied were observed in Georgia, and negative ones in Ukraine. For example, inUkraine there was an increase in data from 24.5 % (1995) to 46.2 % (2014). InArmenia andAzerbaijan, the dynamics of the indicators analyzed were characterized by the complex (zigzag) nature of the changes in the retrospective of years.

Conclusions. According to the research, it can be argued that among the group of the reference countries onlyGeorgia has shown positive trends in strengthening the role of the state or other public institutions in financially supporting the process of providing medical and pharmaceutical services to the country’s population.


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Health organization