The study of the epileptic population morbidity rate in Ukraine at the state and regional level




epilepsy, morbidity rate, incidence rate ratio, administrative and territorial regions


Aim. To analyze the dynamics of the epileptic population morbidity rate in Ukraine in its administrative and territorial regions.
Materials and methods. The study was conducted within 2013-2017 according to the official data of the State Institution “Center for Medical Statistics of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”. The logical, mathematical and statistical, system-analytical, retrospective and comparative methods of analysis were used.
Results. The study has found that the minimum number of epileptic patients among the population of Ukraine for 2013-2017 was recorded in 2014. This fact is due to a significant decrease in the population of the country against the background of separation of the Crimea and the introduction of military regime in the east of the country. The analysis of the incidence of epilepsy among people of the working age has determined that an increase in patients is observed in such administrative and territorial regions as Odessa, Sumy, Lviv and Ternopil region. It has been proven that the western regions of Ukraine lead the way in quantitative indicators of morbidity. By the average value of the population morbidity rate for epilepsy (2013-2017) the administrative and territorial regions have been groupped, and three groups of regions have been formed (high, medium and low level). It has been determined that the most threatening epidemiological situation is observed in 8 regions of Ukraine. The calculation of the indicator of the overall morbidity rate of epileptic patients of the working age has shown that the highest values of the incidence are observed in Volyn (2.75 %), Transcarpathian (2.25 %) and Lviv (1.55 %) regions.
Conclusions. The results of the study can be used in the development of scientific and applied approaches to the organization of effective financing of the provision of effective medical and pharmaceutical care in Ukraine taking into account the dynamic and territorial features of the development of the epidemiological process.


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