Problems and prospects of training health technology assessment professionals in Ukraine




health technology assessment, educational program, health technology assessment expert


Aim. To identify the main problems and prospects of training health technology assessment professionals in order to develop this educational direction inUkraine.

Materials and methods. Works of domestic and foreign authors, international professional websites, survey methods (questionnaires), analysis, systematization, generalization were used.

Results. To provide the sustainable development of healthcare it is necessary to develop a health policy based on the use of health technology assessment (HTA). The key to improving the efficiency of healthcare is the continuous introduction of innovative health technologies, which should be assessed at the stage of entering the market, as well as their inclusion in the program of medical guarantees and compensation lists. It requires a professional approach and necessitates the introduction of HTA training. Projected needs of local healthcare in professionals of this area have been identified – it is more than 2000 people. The results of a survey of health professionals confirm the need for the introduction of HTA and training specialists. The information needs of healthcare professionals have been identified – the most popular is the question of legislation, economics, health and НTA methodology, pricing and reimbursement, public procurement. The analysis of foreign experience of training specialists in HTA has been conducted. A qualification characteristic, and on its basis the educational program of training HTA experts (at the second (Master’s) level), have been developed. Currently, the program has received a positive assessment of leading European HTA experts and is tested at the National University of Pharmacy. 

Conclusions. Educational training for health technology assessment experts requires development and support from the state and professional institutions.


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