Peculiarities of commodity science teaching in the distance educational system


  • S. M. Kovalenko National university of pharmacy, Ukraine
  • S. V. Breusova National university of pharmacy, Ukraine
  • I. I. Baranova National university of pharmacy, Ukraine
  • T. V. Diadiun National university of pharmacy, Ukraine
  • S. M. Zaporozhska National university of pharmacy, Ukraine



distance learning, distance training, distance education, distance course, distance learning technology, traditional learning, tutor, Мoodle system


Aim. To analyze the features of teaching the discipline “Medical and pharmaceutical commodity science” at the Department of Commodity Science of the National University of Pharmacy (NPhU) using distance technologies.

Materials and methods. The systemic, logical, analytical, retrospective methods were used.

Results. The article describes the relevance and challenges of distance education, as well as analyzes the main factors, which contribute to effective distance learning in Ukraine, in particular at the Department of Commodity of Sciences of the NPhU. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of distance learning when using the Moodle system in the process of teaching the discipline “Medical and Pharmaceutical Commodity Science” at the Department of Commodity Science of the NPhU, Kharkiv.

Conclusions. Based on the analysis conducted it has been determined that the peculiarities of the distance course “Medical and Pharmaceutical Commodity Science” at the Department of Commodity Science of the NPhU is the largest visualization of the assortment (using figures and photo of goods), appearance, primary and secondary packages, labeling of goods. This is necessary for acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to applicants for higher education to conduct commodity analysis of the products.


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