The study of the attitude of pharmacy specialists to TV advertisement of drugs


  • V. M. Tolochko Institute of Pharmacy Professionals Qualification Improvement of the National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • M. V. Zarichkova Institute of Pharmacy Professionals Qualification Improvement of the National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. O. Surikov Institute of Pharmacy Professionals Qualification Improvement of the National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • A. V. Kurhan Institute of Pharmacy Professionals Qualification Improvement of the National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • O. A. Khmelnytska Institute of Pharmacy Professionals Qualification Improvement of the National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine



advertising communication, TV advertising of drugs, problematic aspects, professional aspects, pharmacy specialists


Aim. To study the attitude of pharmacy specialists (PhS) to the television advertising of drugs, and their opinion regarding compliance with the requirements for the features of advertising.

Materials and methods. The sample observation, questionnaire survey, expert assessments, formal-logical methods, analogies and comparisons, system analysis, analysis of documents and the results of sociological studies were used.

Results. Advertising in marketing is considered as a form of communication in order to inform consumers about the quality of goods and services. When advertising the breadth of the consumers reached, the high quality of the content and the high degree of holding attention of the focus groups of consumers are important. These requirements are met by TV advertising of drugs, which as a segment occupies 50 % of all advertising on television. Therefore, it is important to determine the attitude of the PhS to it, and study their opinions on compliance with the requirements for the features of drug advertising. According to the results of the PhS survey, our studies revealed their general attitude to television advertising, their attitude to it according to certain components: the quality of service, the possible impact of TV advertising on the volume of drug sales, compliance with professional aspects, the presence of the possible problematic signs in accordance with the current legislation, advertising of drug manufacturers, the possible effect on self-medication of patients, etc. In addition, the relation of PhS to the periodicity and frequency of TV commercials about drugs was studied.

Conclusions. It has been determined that PhS have their own relation to TV drug advertising based on the professional interest in it. They draw attention to the possible impact of television advertising on the volume of drug sales, its objective nature, the need for consultation with a doctor, methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment of diseases, rehabilitation in general, etc. Among 8 possible problematic aspects selected when drugs are advertised PhS are mostly interested in mentioning the names of famous people and warnings regarding self-diagnosis and self-medication of the disease. The results obtained allow having an idea about the attitude of the PhS to television advertising of drugs and its use in their professional activities.


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Health organization