Directions for improving the efficiency of drug logistics management in modern conditions of development of healthcare institutions




logistics of medicines, working range of medicines, estimation of costs for medicines


Aim. To develop the algorithm for increasing the efficiency of a medical institution by reducing the cost of medicines.

Materials and methods. At the Garvis Clinic, an overall analysis of drug costs begins with determining the percentage of costs for individual drug groups in the total working range. The next step is to identify the most significant costs since they essentially affect the economic situation of a medical institution. For the most effective impact on costs they are decomposed and analyzed for individual groups of medicines.

Results. Having received a complete picture of significant costs and their components an item-by-item plan for reducing drug costs is formed: 1) absolute reduction in the number of trade and international generic names of drugs in the working range; 2) formation of the working range taking into account the ABC/VEN-classification; 3) exclusion of biologically active additives and food additives from the working range; 4) substitution of costs for lower ones by forming a working range taking into account the ratio of prices, bioavailability and equivalence of drugs.

Conclusions. The algorithm can be used in any medical institution in Ukraine since it is guaranteed to bring a positive effect in the form of a quarter reduction in the cost of medicines.


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Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities