The study of the development of the social protection system in Ukraine taking into account the experience of foreign countries




public health; social protection system; social reforms; social protection; social standards


Aim. To study the development of the social protection system in Ukraine and compare it with the social models of other countries.

Materials and methods. The sample observation, questionnaire, formal-logical methods, analogies and comparisons, the system analysis, the content analysis were used.

Results. According to the results of our studies, it has been found that the formation and development of the Ukrainian legislation in the field of social protection and social security can be divided into four stages; each of them has special characteristics and trends. The main approaches to regulating the social protection system and social security include the Soviet and European models.

Conclusions. Considering the development of the Ukrainian legislation in the field of social protection and social security and the analysis of modern reforms it can be argued that today Ukraine combines the latest foreign and personal approaches and on their basis reforms the social protection and social security system with the implementation of the European social protection standards. The analysis has shown that the future social policy of our state should be based on the principle of justice and protection of vulnerable groups, with the preference given to social benefits, the system of the targeted assistance, a new healthcare system and pension protection.


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How to Cite

Tolochko, V. M. ., Zarichkova, M. V. ., Surikov, O. O. ., & Dolzhnikova, O. M. . (2021). The study of the development of the social protection system in Ukraine taking into account the experience of foreign countries . Social Pharmacy in Health Care, 7(2), 47–60.



Organizational and socio-economic bases of pharmaceutical activities