The study of the international experience in organizing professional orientation and training of youth for employment




professional orientation, the choice of profession, employment, career development, professional development.


Aim. To study the experience of organizing professional orientation and training of youth for employment in Europe.

Methods. The analysis of normative documents, official websites of governmental organizations, scientific literature.

Results. Globally, professional orientation and job placement are considered as an integral part of a single complex for the career development of a person to provide the effective employment of the population. In the UK, France, and Germany there is an extensive system of state organizations subordinated to the Ministries of Education and Labor that conduct professional orientation of youth, provide advanced training and employment of the working-age population throughout the life. According to the results of studying the international experience it has been found that the secondary schools and high schools play the main role in providing the primary knowledge about different professions, while professional orientation centers, various Internet resources, nonprofit organizations, as well as employers assist them.

Conclusions. It has been found that state organizations play a leading role in professional orientation of young people, training and employment of the working population throughout life; the expedience of adaption of the experience in conducting career-oriented activities in European countries to cultural traditions and economic conditions in Ukraine has been proven. 


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