The theoretical fundamentals and methodical substantiation of the complex analysis and modeling of expediency and efficiency when developing new medicines




new medicines, attractiveness, expediency, efficiency, capability, projects, risks, scientific research, investments, innovations


Aim. To summarize theoretically and substantiate scientifically and methodically the methodological approach to the complex analysis of practical stages of the organizational and technological process of research works in order to predict the social necessity, medical expediency, economic efficiency, commercial capability and investment attractiveness for developing new medicines and making an appropriate investment decision. 

Materials and methods. As materials the scientific publications, reports and completed research works regarding development of medicines, individual studies and results of monitoring of the drug retail market of the “Pharmstandard” company were used. The methods of generalization, systematization of theoretical and practical material, marketing analysis, graphic, comparative, and economic methods, as well as modeling were applied.

Results. The materials concerning the methodological substantiation of stages and works in the process of developing new medicines of new generations have been studied, and their logical consequence and interrelations have been determined. The flowchart of “a road map” modules determining expediency, efficiency and investment attractiveness for developing and using a new medicine has been worked out. The components of each module and initial data, and their use in further stages of the project implementation as a product have been determined. The complex program of the predictive estimate of projects by the scenarios of the event development has been elaborated; its basic indicators are marketing, medical, pharmaceutical, economic and financial indicators.

Conclusions. The possibility of a complex estimation of the organizational and technological process of projects in development and use of generic medicines of new generations based on modeling of comprising stages of work in order to make a rational investment and management decision using indicators of efficiency, expediency, attractiveness and capability of the project has been substantiated.


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Health organization