The marketing substantiation of the relevance of new domestic products development for topical application in dentistry




dental diseases, medicines of topical application, pharmaceutical market, dental gels


Over the last few years, the market of dental services in our country is rapidly developing. Modern world technologies of dental disease treatment have influenced on the structure of the domestic pharmaceutical market – new drugs, new dosage forms have appeared, they are used not only in therapeutic dentistry, but also in periodontics, diseases of surgical profile, orthopaedic, aesthetic dentistry and orthodontics. Domestic manufacturers are always in an active innovative search, searching for new marketing opportunities.
Aim. To analyze the range of dental preparations for topical application at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine in order to substantiate the relevance for creating new drugs in this field.
Materials and methods. The methods of content and marketing analysis were used; the studies were performed using the Compendium database and the State Register of Medicinal Products of Ukraine.
Results. The assortment of preparations for topical application in dentistry by dosage forms and composition
has been analyzed. Dental gels with components of synthetic origin have been found to be in the lead. The comparative analysis of dental gels with other oral dosage forms has been conducted; the leading consumer benefits of this dosage form have been determined – good adhesion and high bioavailability. The structure of suppliers has been studied, and a high degree of import dependency has been found (73.3 %).
Conclusions. The relevance of development and production of new domestic combined preparations for topical application in dentistry, in particular gels for the treatment and prevention of caries, inflammatory diseases of the periodontium, oral mucosa, as well as pathologies similar in aetiology arising from the
use of dental prostheses of various designs.


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Social medicine and pharmacy: past, present and development prospects