Risk management of the logistics activities in the field of the foreign economic activity of a pharmaceutical enterprise


  • N. V. Zakharko National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
  • R. V. Sahaidak-Nikitiuk National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9337-7741
  • H. А. Gretska National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine




risk, logistics, pharmaceutical enterprise, business process, process model


Aim. To substantiate approaches to risk management of logistics activities in the field of the foreign economic activity of a pharmaceutical enterprise, as well as construct a process model of risk management of logistics activities.
Materials and methods. The results of the questionnaire survey of the leading specialists of pharmaceutical enterprises, statistical and scientific data, as well as the methods of generalization, systematization, questioning were used.
Results. Based on scientific literature and the international quality standards the relevance of risk management of logistics activities in the field of the foreign economic activity has been determined. The questionnaire survey has been conducted among the leading specialists of pharmaceutical enterprises whose professional sphere of activity is the foreign economic activity. It has been determined that the risks of logistics activities in the field of the foreign economic activity for a pharmaceutical company have a significant impact on its activities and effectiveness. The results of the survey have demonstrated the need to develop approaches to managing these risks in order to increase the level of effectiveness of the pharmaceutical enterprise and the timely provision of the population with the necessary medicines of the appropriate quality and in the right volume. It has been proven that one of the areas of risk management is the application of the process model of the risk management system of logistics activities; this model contains the processes of the main risk management activities, the development processes of the risk management system of logistics activities and supporting processes.

Conclusions. The definition of the “risk of logistics activities in the field of the foreign economic activity” has been proposed. The relevance of developing approaches to risk management of logistics activities in the field of the foreign economic activity has been proven. The construction of a process model of the risk management system for logistics activities in the field of the foreign economic activity has been proposed.


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